Sunday, October 17, 2010

What's happening here?

Ziggy and Zoe righting again! We have not seen so much we wanted to right about for awhile and our human companion animals have been keeping the computer closed up and away from us a lot. Lately we sense something is going on here and we are not sure we like it! Yesterday someone came and took away our favorite perch! That came all the way from our previous home and now its gone! Then today we were pushed outside where we watch the birds and little human-like creatures while a bunch of people moved around inside. When we were finally allowed inside a whole lot of our other places to sleep were gone! They have some explaining to do!
Yes, the cat condo was sold yesterday and taken away and then today a guy and his extended family came to take away a number of pieces of furniture that we had to sell to get our load reduced in volume. We were somewhat lucky that one person bought most of what we had to sell and he could wait until nearer our departure to take it away. "Sundar" and his wife "Geetha" and son "Vishnu" will move into a new apartment in about 2 months. It looks like a very modern place and our furniture should go well there. They seem like very nice people- as most Indians are when you have a chance to talk to them. They had us come to their current apartment last night for dinner. It was very nice. Sundar plays the Harmonium, so he played for us and told us about the instrument too. The food was very good and they were good well.
The Z's are a little perturbed, but they were also romping around in the new found open spaces. However, we also have some suitcases out, so they know that usually means we are going somewhere. Little do they know that they will go too!
We are expecting movers to come Friday the 22nd and spend 2 days packing up our stuff and one day loading a truck. they are supposed to be good. They brought us some boxes so we could separate things going by air from things going by sea. Then we have to keep the stuff we will carry separate too. Lots of decisions to make!
Jim has been packing some boxes himself while sorting into the main categories.
We expect the apartment to be unlivable by Saturday night the 23rd, so we will move to a hotel nearby but leave the Z's in the apartment until we take them to the airport.
The Z's have to see a local vet this week and then they have to see a government vet no more than 48 hours before we depart. We are not looking forward to that. Any interaction with the government people is usually time wasted- except when they give the needed forms or stamps or whatever.
We went through the process of getting our visas renewed nearly 3 weeks ago- while it was quicker in some respects from the past, it was still a pain. Evidently, since the Indian economy is growing so well, there are lots of people who want to come here and stay without proper papers.
Jim employer has a number of people who are supposed to help in the process of getting everything done to get us out of the country. However, they have not been especially helpful and the contractors who are paid to help as well have a tendency to do part of their job, but then leave it to us to bug them to finish the job or to provide more than just suggestions.
One thing we need to do is cancel our DSL service just before we leave the apartment. The provider also sent the last bill by email with a password protection, but without any clue as to what the password is! We mentioned what we wanted to one of the helpers. The outcome is that we now have 2 login ID's to the provider's website with 2 different ID's and passwords and the document we got was only opened after we also received a paper copy in the mail and all we got toward closing our DSL service was a phone number to call. Jim told the helpers they did not seem to be helping much and then he got a call from the DSl provider who gave the password for the bill that we also got in the mail and we were told to call closer to the time we want to cancel the service rather than arrange it ahead of time. of course, we were trying to arrange early so we would not have to deal with it at the last minute, but that is not the way it works here.
Our car belongs to the company, and we were told that normal wear and tear would be handled by them at no cost to us, but they would not say what is "normal" and when Jim asked to have them look at the car and tell us if anything is "abnormal" so we could get it fixed- they simply said that they would get it fixed after we return the car and send us the bill! Now, for the company that Jim is used to working for this could very well mean they would never send a bill. However, the company has changed and gotten much more cost conscious- really to the point of absurdity in some respects. So, he does not really trust them - especially here in India where everyone warns us not to be too trusting! We had our driver get an estimate to fix all the scratches and dents to our car and then he had the dealer give an estimate too and it was almost 4x more expensive- even when we assume our driver asked his people for a commission the dealer came out 4x more! Thus we are afraid the company will have work done at such a place and ask us to pay for it! We are going to try to have things fixed the day before the car is returned.
The helpers at the office also sent Jim a list of things to be done before we leave. Among the things on the list is one about "signing the PF forms". He had asked what the is a week earlier and got no reply and just got another note saying this has to be done. Jim finally figured out that they are talking about the Provident Fund- its much like social security in the US. The employer puts money in, but they get the money back when we return to the US- provided that Jim fills out all the forms properly! A bit of a sore point is that the money goes to Jim's India bank account, which several people said we should try to close before we leave India, but the company says we can't until they get the PF money. This word coming 2 weeks before we leave even though they earlier found that Jim could sign a form and have the money sent directly to the company instead of his account. So there will be loose ends to tie up later.
The coming 2 weeks are likely to be very hectic, so we may or may not add more as we go along.

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