Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ah! The Sunday Times!

One of our great pleasures in the past was to be home on Sunday morning with the NY Times. We got to re-live that experience today for the first time in 2 years. While the size of the newspaper has shrunk noticeably since we went to Bangalore in 2008, the experience still is pleasing!
In Bangalore we also enjoyed relaxing Sunday mornings by reading the newspapers and listening to "Sunday Baroque", but this is the real thing!
In other news, Jim picked up his new car yesterday- he has a Honda Accord now. The purchase of this was arranged through email from Bangalore and a few telephone calls and then one short visit to the bank! Is this a great country, or what?
Janet got a new Iphone, which is "intuitive" to use, but neither her intuition, nor Jim's seem to align with the device maker's intuition. Jim got a SIMM card for the phone he bought and used in India and is trying out the service in our area with it. In the past we found that the best coverage was from a company which used CDMA rather than GSM (or whatever) that most of the world uses, so we have to see how well this works.
We are all still feeling quite jet- lagged- with only slight improvements each day. We feel very tired by 8PM, wake up early in the morning and then go back to sleep for awhile.

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