Thursday, October 28, 2010

Back Home!

We arrived back home about 4:30PM NY time On Wed. Oct. 27 about 26 hours after picking up the Z's at our Apartment in Bangalore and dropping off the key with the landlord. There were still a few unfinished tasks there- like a number of bags of cat related items to be donated to the local animal cruelty prevention society. Our driver- Joseph is supposed to help take care of that, but the landlord may help too.
The ride to the airport was uneventful. The Z's were not happy, but they never are happy about traveling away from their home. At check-in we were very surprised when they told us that any carry-on bag had to weight less than 8 kg (17.6lbs) and they had us weigh them. Both had to be that heavy or more and they insisted that Janet's had to be made lighter even though Jim's probably weighed more- very strange. They also said it was ok to have more than 2 carry on items but they each had to weigh less than 8kg- also this seemed odd. In any case, we got through that and ended up transferring items to Jim's already heavy bag in case of any future checks- which, never occurred. Going through immigration was easier than expected. Our wait for boarding was not bad. Ziggy and Zoe were relatively peaceful. Once on the plane we dreaded the possibility that Zoe, especially would be loudly vocal, which she can be when unhappy. She did keep up a low level of noise, but not enough to be too disturbing to anyone except Janet- since Zoe was at her feet. We did try to give her a tranquilizer pill at one point, but are not convinced she got it. Anyone who has tried to "pill" a cat knows that the probability of success is not nearly as high as we wish!
We arrived in Frankfurt where they never seem to be prepared for the plane arriving from Bangalore, and had to get off the plane is surprisingly chilly temps. and walk to a bus that was already full, so we took the second one. In the terminal we asked for a porter to help with the bags and cats and they said there are none around and their phone was not being answered. They sent us to a place where they give assistance to passengers, but they said they only have wheel chairs and not enough people to handle those! So we went back and started the long walk to the other terminal. They told us we "might" find a luggage cart along the way. The advantages of cheap labor- like in India became clear here. There would have been a few people around hoping to help us with our bags in India. (we had 2 at check-in, but it is true that once inside the secure area it was harder to find people).
At Frankfurt we had to go through security again, which was equally painful as in Bangalore. We had to take Ziggy and Zoe out of their carriers and everyone loved seeing them! They were the stars of the show! We wanted to go to the business lounge and give the Z's some water and a little food, but they had no room we could use for this. It seems silly that they would allow pets in the cabin but have no place to take them in such an event. We found a baby changing room and thought we might use this, and got a little water and foof in them before some cleaning women threatened to have us arrested! She may have been right that this not the best idea, but we had not thought to much about germs, though the cats are probably cleaner than most babies and the room itself.
We tried to give the Z's a tranquilizer pill for the trip to JFK and may have succeeded. They were quite will behaved. As this flight is in daylight Jim stayed awake most of the time and watched bad movies most of the time. Janet read and slept and gave the Z's more water.
On arrival at JFK we were surprised to come through immigration , baggage pick up and customs rather quickly. Since Jim has been away 2 years and Janet the same except for her trip home in April there was little for them to check. They did not ask for the health certificates for the cats even though we went to great pains to get them in place.
The driver was fairly good, but for some reason the car company had scheduled him to do another job too soon after ours so he was in a hurry and he was not as helpful as we'd have liked. He unloaded our bags onto the ground - in the rain- but would help us take them inside.
As we drove home, all looked familiar. Janet commented that it was a "typical fall day"- overcast and rainy- dreary- in other words! Quite the contrast to bright sunny days in Bangalore at this time of year.
Ziggy and Zoe got good food and water as soon as we got in the house and were quite ravenous! We worried that they might vomit after eating so fast. However, they seem OK and they recognized they were home again after a long and exciting journey!

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