Saturday, October 30, 2010

First meal out and shopping

On Thursday we went to one of our favorite restaurants for dinner. They serve Mexican style food that is very good. In Bangalore we found one restaurant near our apartment which had reasonably good Mexican food. We also drove the car a few times on Thursday and it seemed quite natural though Jim had not driven in 2 years and Janet only for the few weeks she was home in April- May. Most of the rest of the day was spent unpacking our bags and sorting mail.
On Friday we went to three large stores to get lots of cat food, some repair items for the house and food for ourselves. This was all quite expensive compared to what we were used to paying in India, but we marveled at how we could find everything we needed in 3 stops and had choices too! Much of the rest of the day was spent sorting more mail and doing chores around the house that had not been done for awhile- like change water filters and clean the refrigerator underneath and inside.
Ziggy and Zoe seem to be adjusting to being home. They have jet lag too, but are seeming to be adjusting slowly.
We both sense it will be a few weeks before we feel close to normal.

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