Friday, April 30, 2010

"Intestinal bugs"

We described the problems we've had over the past couple weeks to Indian friends and they just smile knowingly and say "Oh you're just having driver problems!". Evidently what we have experienced is very common- which is all the more reason for thinking it really does waste a lot of time and energy when you consider how many people are affected. Over the past week we had two more bad drivers, but two that were OK.
On to "intestinal bugs". Jim was very sick from Monday night until Wed. morning- no energy at all. Some friends recommended their doctor who Jim simply called and he gave prescriptions over the phone which Jim could have filled at the pharmacy just by saying what he wanted. It seem that very few drugs really require a written prescription. There seem to be no negligent acts for which one could get recompense, so its all pretty simple. The responsibility lies with the individual- which seems generally good and seems to work here. Jim started to feel better on Wednesday and slightly better Thursday and Friday, but still not well. These intestinal bugs seem to occur about every 6 or 8 weeks in Jim and have usually been pretty mild and over in 24 hours, but this one is different.
Janet has had 2 or 3 fairly serious and long lasting bugs- one occurred when we were in Ahmedabad in March, but she has be ok recently. We just hope these bouts are building immunity!
Janet is currently in the US- the first time either of us has been back since we arrived in India almost 18 months ago! She is missed by Jim, Ziggy and Zoe!

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