Friday, November 20, 2009

The Photo Contest with update

Not long after we arrived in Bangalore, Janet was introduced to an organization for expats by a friend who has since returned to the US. That group just held a photo contest that was fairly interesting. Members and their spouses could submit up to 9 photos in 3 different categories- "Beauties of India", "Ceremonies and Celebrations" and "Life in Bangalore". The latter category can be difficult to enter without being cynical, but there are still lots of pretty and amazing things about the city. In somewhat of a rush we chose 9 of our photos to enter and we managed to get them sent off on the last day to enter. Last night there was a gathering at one of the better hotels in the city to announce the winners. The location was very nice and the food and service were top notch. The best part is that one of Janet's photos won second prize! (That picture has just been added to the right) One of Jim's photos was also among 12 chosen for the organization's 2010 calendar and he also got a prize of a lunch for 2 at one of our favorite restaurants! Janet's prize is 2 nights stay at what is supposed to be a very nice hotel in Jodhpur. In an entry earlier this year we spoke about our trip to Rajasthan in Feb- Mar. and Jodhpur was one of our favorite stops. Janet's photo was actually taken at Chittorgarh, which we think was probably our favorite stop on that trip. So, this all makes some sort of sense. A copy of Jim's photo is below. It appears in Sept. 2010 of the calendar. We especially like the expression on the face of the boy in the middle, but the different expressions are amusing. The profits from the sale of the calendars and from the sale of the photos, which will be done in Dec. all go to charity. We are both surprised that we both got prizes, though we know we have some good photos. Jim's picture is of 3 boys dressed in costumes on the Chamundi Hills in Mysore. The kids do this when they are expecting a lot of visitors to the temples on the hills so they can pick up some money in tips. Jim likes the picture because of the colorful costumes and the fact that the kid in the middle looks pretty unhappy while the one on the right looks bored while the one on the left appears to be into his role! Of course they got a very good tip, but asked for more. As mentioned, Janet's picture was taken in Rajasthan at the end of February, 2009. It is actually color, but looks b&w. She caught the light just right late in the day near some of the temples there.

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