Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - the ride to work

Here is a sort of montage of experiences while riding to work.
The Good.
Bright and sunny morning with mild temperatures today. Took the lift down to the garage where Josef had finished cleaning the car and was ready to leave. We wave good bye to the security guards and plumber and electrician who are on duty all day- as well as the gardener and cleaning women who keep the building clean. The traffic is relatively light this morning and the drive is fairly peaceful- without too many horns honking and no big congestion at the traffic lights or other intersections. Because the traffic is light we can go faster and Josef is able to avoid some of the bumps and potholes in the road by going around them. It takes 25 minutes to get to the office and I feel pleasantly at ease.
The Bad.
Bright and sunny morning with high humidity and rather warm. Took the lift down to the garage, but the power went off on the way, so I had to wait for the backup generator to come on and continue the ride down. In the garage I find that Josef is still cleaning the car, so I wait a little while until he finishes. The traffic is heavy this morning so there are a lot of horns honking, and motorbikes weaving in and out of traffic. The delays at the traffic lights and intersections are longer. Because of the heavy traffic we have to go slower and Josef has to go over more of the bumps in the road. I find myself getting carsick from the herky- jerky motion while going over pot holes and bumps while I try to send a text message to someone. Traffic is delayed a bit due to a minor accident and the drivers get out to argue. While waiting for traffic to move a motorbike passes too close to the car and scratches the paint- again. We have to maneuver around 3 cows who have decided to stand in the road today. It takes about 45 minutes to get to the office and I feel tense and tired.
The Ugly.
Bright and sunny morning, hot and humid. Take the lift down to the garage, but the power goes off on the way down. When the backup generator comes on, the lift does not move because the electronics need to be re- set by the electrician due to the power glitches. I have to call Josef to tell the electrician to do this because he is busy sleeping in his office. Josef forgot that I was leaving earlier today so he is just arriving at the security gate. Cleaning the car will have to wait until tomorrow. The traffic seems heavy today, so we spend more time at the traffic lights and intersections and the motorbikes and autorickshaws are honking horns and weaving back and forth a lot. One motor bike scratches the right side of the car and another hits the back and breaks the plastic lens on the tail lights and then he speeds away - weaving through traffic. On the road to work we see where a bus has run into a tree on the other side of the road. The driver's compartment is smashed and we think the driver might have been killed. Later we learn that the bus lost its brakes. The driver crashed into the tree because there was a crowd of people ahead at the bus stop who probably would have been run over. The guy was a hero, but his family probably has no income now. The traffic crawls along on both side of the road. An overloaded lorry is stopped ahead with a broken main spring and flat tires. The traffic is routed off on to narrow alleys to allow it to move at all. When the car is stopped we are approached by women carrying babies who want us to give money. We run over a piece of metal which punctures a tire. Josef says the tire is leaking slowly so he will drop me at the office and then get the tire fixed. We arrive at the office after 90 minutes. 30 minutes late for a meeting. I feel exhausted.

Of course, none of these is completely true- each is an amalgam of real days. On the avergage about 1- 2 days a week are Good, 3-4 days a weeks are Bad and 1 day in 2 weeks is Ugly. Such is Bangalore traffic.

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