Sunday, August 2, 2009


We flew from Bangalore to Dubai to the Seychelles leaving Early July 11 and were met at the airport by resort staff from Maia Resort who took us for the 25 minute drive to the resort where we began a wonderful relaxation. We were in danger of needing to cancel or alter the trip in a major way just a couple days earlier. First we got word that Kenya airlines canceled our flight from Seychelles to Nairobi on the 14th and did not have another flight until either 2 days before or 2 days later- both options being a big cut or addition to our trip. With the help of our travel agent- who is very good- we were able to shift all of the dates in Africa by 2 days, but it would have been a big cost adder in Seychelles. Next Janet was feeling quite sick with an intestinal bug, so we delayed departure by a day without too much trouble. So, we ended up with 1 extra day in the Seychelles instead of 2. Kenya Air gets some credit from us because they agreed to cover the cost of the extra night at the resort that was caused by their cancellation of the one flight.
The 5 nights in Seychelles were very relaxing. No responsibilities and we got copies of the New York Times to read each day! The accommodations were wonderful and the staff was great too.

We stayed at the resort every day but one. We went to the main town- Victoria so Janet could visit a clinic because she did not feel great and to see some of the town.
The doctor gave here some medication that helped her feel better over the coming
days. In Victoria we went to the Botanical Garden and saw the giant tortoises there (about 25 of them). The trees and flowers were very nice too. It was rather hot and humid.
We walked to the center of town though Janet's knee was hurting too. In and old house we found a few nice crafts. In the rest of the town center we did not find much of interest so we ate a simple lunch and then met our driver to go back to the resort.
We made 2 stops on the return to the resort. The first was at a craft village that was ok, but still disappointing. The second was at a sculptor's home- studio. His name is Tom Bowers and his wife. They are from the UK, but have been in Seychelles for 23 years. Many of their pieces are very nice. They make them in resin and then bronze casts are made in either London or South Africa for shipment any where in the world. While there we saw hoards of small brightly colored birds suddenly landing in the trees, then Tom threw a bowl of rice on the grounds and hundreds of birds flocked to get the food. It is a daily ritual in great colors!
We relaxed around our villia, on the beach and walked a little on the beach too. Mostly we relaxed and looked forward to the coming 11 days in Africa. Our first time there. We left on July 16 and flew to Nairobi and then Kilimanjaro.

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