Friday, July 31, 2009

"This is the Lost Battle"

We returned from a trip of 2 weeks to the Seychelles, Tanzania and Kenya. We locked the computer away so Ziggy and Zoe were not able to write any thing while we were away. We took the keys and they have not yet learned how to pick locks. They want to add something later here. We will be adding some pages and pictures from our trip as time permits. As a sort of teaser, we can say that the Seychelles were wonderful and Africa is amazing!
We left early in the morning of July 11. We were supposed to leave a day earlier, but Janet was sick and we were starting to worry that we'd have to cancel and hope that our trip insurance actually paid off (such places are infamous for not paying). However, Janet started to feel better on the 10th, so we went. We pretty much stayed up until we left about 1:15AM for the airport. A lot of international flights come and go here between midnight and 6AM. Joseph, our driver agreed to come and take us- he said he was afraid he'd oversleep, so he came about 10PM and simply stayed. We paid him extra for the overtime, though he did not ask for it. He took most of the following 2 weeks off, though one of our neighbors needed a driver one day and she paid him to work for her. It was part of his 1 month of vacation he is entitled to from us. He, his wife and son went to Kerala and Mangalore where they have family and friends to visit. His son, who is only a little over 1 year old has gotten quick sick in Mangalore- he got sick there in March also- some sort of intestinal bug that has him on antibiotics and intravenous fluids! They are bringing him back to Bangalore because they think the doctor here is better. Janet read that diarhea is the leading cause of death in children worldwide- due to fluid and electrolyte loss.
Our Housekeeper and a neighbor- Linn- checked on the cats while we were away. When we arrived Joseph said that Zoe was sick one day so he took her to the vet who gave her an injection and some medication for some sort of injury. We can't figure out what happened, but she seems OK- a little thinner, but OK. Maybe she will tell us when she writes later. Ziggy seems fine. He seems to have the fewest difficulties with living in India. It may be that he injured Zoe- they do play a little rough at times!
We have be getting big bottles of water delivered periodically- Renu, the housekeeper- normally orders replacements, but we we have to leave money for her to do so. When we returned on Tuesday, July 28 she had left a note on the water bottle saying "this is the last battle". We wondered if she was expressing something subtle- for example- there is bath mat in one bathroom that we move close to the shower each morning and EVERY day she moves it away from the shower and turns it 90 degrees. This seems to be a small battle we are fighting. Housekeeper's all seem to have their opinions about how things should be. In the case of the water bottle it is probably because her english is not so good, rather than an expression of a darker side. It is the last full bottle of water, so that is probably her meaning.
Zoe and Ziggy want to take over now.
We were very unhappy that our humans went away without us. The members of our extended pride are ok substitutes, but not the same! We are not going to expalin what happened to Zoe. They can just stew about that and wonder! However, we are glad they are back anyway. We knew something was happening when they put a lot of their outer skins into those boxes with handles that they take away when they abandon us for periods of time. they have been away from us for longer periods in the past, but this was the longest time since we arrived in this strange place where the little human - like creatures come up to the outside windows. Oh! We are learning how to open the doors and locks, so next time we might be able to write when they are away, but they are sneaky- this black box has something they call "passwords" and they keep changing them! That may be a real problem!

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