Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Day and things

Of course, Thanksgiving Day is not a holiday here in India, but we tried to spend it relaxing as much as possible. Its not so easy to do that on this strange furniture and with so many interesting birds and other creatures around outside. But, we manage! Ziggy got very sleepy while reading about Bengaluru (Bangalore is the English name while the other is Kannada- the local language). He tries to learn all he can so he will know where to go when he finally breaks out of this place! He tries to go out whenever the door opens and he is near it. They don't have some many obstacles togetting out here- like they do in our other home- wherever that is!
See how pretty I look on this new floor cover they got for me to sit on and crawl under and shed white fur on to? Our humans can say something now.
We got up Thursday morning to read about terrorist attacks in Mumbai. The papers suggest that they chose the evening because the US news channels would pick it up and broadcast around the US while people are up. They also mention the proximity to Thanksgiving Day in the US, though that seems a bit of a stretch since it was Wednesday morning in the US when it started. In any case it is bad.
We chose to go out for dinner with friends on Thanksgiving evening here inspite of the nervousness of many people. We went to a very fine hotel that served turkey among many other choices. the security at the hotel was greater than in the past, so they were responding to the fears. Most of the better hotels have a number of security people and they often check cars coming in and sometimes people. The dinner was excellent, but since its not a holiday here we could not stay out too late. Jim took Friday as a vacation day (Called "privilege leave") to rest up some from the strenuous past several months. We still don't feel adjusted to the time or the climate. Janet had another good visit to the doctor about her arm injury and will start physical therapy in a few days. Ziggy and Zoe seem to be adjusting still, but they have shown generally normal behavior for them with some romping around and lots of sleeping. Everyone who meets them seems to like them

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