Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ah! Outside! and a Christmas Bazaar

Today we went in a strange up and down metal box that was scary, but we ended up on terra firma- Wunderbar! (yes we know some latin, Italian, and some German! We're ejucated!) There was grass and trees and sand to roll in too! What a blast! Ziggy got really interested in some strange scents at the corner of the building- monkey? dog? snake? sniff... sniff... sniff... he could have stayed all day there! We then realized we are not in New York anymore. Where did it go? This place is different. After that we went back in that scary metal box and were back in our familiar place where we had some good food and took a long nap. They can write some now.
It was Saturday and the doings in Mumbai were still not quite resolved, but we decided to go about normal activities. We interviewed a cleaning person in the morning. As we said once before and as most people here say, there is a lot of dirt and dust around that settles on everything all day long, so regular cleaning is required- daily seems to be the norm for those who have time or have help. We then went to a Christmas Bazaar at one of the larger churches in the city. It was a fairly large event, but the grounds were a bit muddy from the recent rains due to a storm off the east coast of India. Some of the proceeds go to charity and it was an opportunity for local shops to show some of their wares and for smaller individual craftspeople to show and sell some of their items. Lots of cloth and paper items and some wood carvings and marble carvings too. The quality varied, but was generally very good. Lots of children around and they had a show where various kids could sing or play musical instruments. There were also many baked items. Janet met several people she has met over the past couple weeks. They had a camel that kids could ride around a small loop on the grounds. The camel seemed well behaved and the kids all seemed to enjoy it. It was the third camel Jim has seem in and around Bangalore. We have yet to see one elephant.
We went to look at drapes and lamps next. The apartment has some large windows, which is great, but they can use some drapes. The night lighting could be a little brighter too- especially for reading. We also bought a transformer for our 110V printer. India is 220V. They have small inexpensive converters, but they seem not to work on some devices that have motors and they may not work on electronics either.... and may do harm. After a tiring search, we came back home feeling tired. Jim napped a bit and Janet took Ziggy outside to look around. Jim took Zoe out to join them after a little while. They seem very apprehensive about the place- curious but nervous. They do not like the elevator- nor the lift either!
We both felt exhausted after coming back inside- Janet thinks she got a mosquito bite and is a little nervous- malaria does exist here, though they supposedly have good drugs for it if its recognized early. Our driver told us that one of his older sisters died 2 years ago from Dengue fever, so that is around too. We went to a fairly well know restaurant for dinner "Sunny's". The owner is an animal lover and has a picture of a large dog inside (we wondered if it was "Sunny"- it appeared to be a golden retriever). Our review of the food is mixed. Jim found the appetizer to be very good, the salad good and the main course excellent. Janet found the appetizer and soup to be good and the main course only fair.

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