Monday, October 19, 2015

Day 5 plus snow!

Friday Oct. 16 was day 5 of being retired! it was not all that eventful, but the time went by fast!
Our friend Kathy and Janet were picked up at the train station after 2 days in NYC and then we had dinner.  Kathy left early on Sat.  and we decided to ride on one of the rail trails in the afternoon. While we were both tired, we did quite a lot.  It ruined quite cold overnight and on Sunday we got a little snow! Snow in October is fairly rare, but has occurred in the past- the worst was in 1987 when we had around 10" of heavy wet snow- since it was early Oct. the trees still had their leaves so may suffered terrible damage- as did the electrical lines!  Our electricity was off for 6 days- some people were out for 2 weeks.  Anyway, in this case it was just a reminder of what may be coming!  We had a nice walk in the afternoon, but it was cold!  It was below freezing again over Sunday night, but Monday is bright and clear, though still rather cold.
There is plenty of work to do sorting out how to get the new macbook Fully operational!  This is day 6- since we only count work days.

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