Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Little Man Arrives

On Friday Jan. 7 our sea shipment arrived during a snowstorm. The movers arrived a little later than we thought they would have done and it was snowing some by then. We decided not to have anything put in the basement, but the snow made that difficult anyway. So, everything had to go in the attic or garage- with some things going directly into places around the house. One thing we placed in the living room is the statue of standing Buddha which, Renuka, in India, referred to as "the little man". He stands in a corner of our living room here, while he stood near the center in Bangalore. We also have the stone Buddha head we got in Mahabilpuram placed on his stand in the sunroom. Most things are in boxes where they are likely to remain for awhile.
It snowed about 3 inches while the movers where here and they managed to get away without any difficulty. they only had to unpack about 20 percent of what we shipped, since we have to decide where other things go. It snowed about 5 more inches after they left.
On Wed. the 11th we got about 12 inches of new snow, so that is the 3rd large snowstorm of the season.
On Thursday the 13th Janet left to go back to Bangalore and India for a visit. She arrived safely and apparently had an uneventful flight and reports the weather is just fine!
Zoe seems to have recovered from her treatments and is behaving quite normally.

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