Friday, September 24, 2010

Preparation for departure- Part 2

It was a hectic week in general, but we made progress toward our return. We concluded that we can't get all our furniture back home at a reasonable cost, so we have to sell a number of items. We had planned to sell a few things, but we have to sell some more. there are a few that we'd like to keep, but are not sure where they would go, so they seem expendable. The process of selling these things is somewhat eased Janet's membership in a group of ex-pats. they have a website and emails go out when a member lists something for sale. This has gotten a lot of calls which she has, at times, had difficulty handling. A number of people expressed interest, but never called back and never came to see things (we managed to upload pictures too), but one large item went quickly. Someone else said he and his wife are moving to an apartment, and need a lot. They came and looked then made a low ball offer despite our saying we were not lowering the price much. After a day of back and forth he said they will take most of what we are selling. However, he seems like a dealer or operator of some sort and we are a little skeptical that he will not try to pull some sort of move at the last minute like claim that he does not have the rest of the money and needs a lower price as a result. That could leave us stuck with the furniture. However, we have friends here, so we think if we got desperate we could leave the remains with them to sell and get the money later. We shall see!

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