Sunday, August 15, 2010

Independence day

Today- Aug. 15 is Independence Day in India. It is not so heavily celebrated, but many people have their national and state flags on display. Jim went for a walk to a book store and saw a small parade of about 20 motorbikes with young guys waving flags. That was the most extravagant display we saw.
Janet is still weak from her dengue fever but not in any danger and continues to get better.
Jim still has remnants of the cold he had 3 weeks ago and is starting to think he should have it checked by a doctor.
Ziggy and Zoe are generally well. Zoe sometimes gets into spells where she eats her food too quickly and then vomits. The only remedy we have for this is to feed her small quantities several times instead of all at once.
The prospect of returning to the US is now seeming more imminent. While it is more than 2 months away, we are starting to decide what things we will either give away or sell before we leave and what we will take with us. We are also starting to make an inventory od all the things we have. This will be required for the move and insurance coverage and it may also help us figure out what to get rid of.
One of the things we have come to learn about ex-pat life is that other expats you meet may not be around all that long and those that are around awhile are missed when they do leave. Another couple we know just left and should be back in the US now.

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