Saturday, July 24, 2010

Catastrophes Great and Small

This evening (it is evening in Bangalore) we learned that Janet has Dengue Fever. We don't know just when she was bitten, but it is transmitted by mosquitoes. Last Sunday night she said she had something, then Monday it got worse so she saw a doctor on Tuesday afternoon. He thought it might be "Chikun Gunya" (look it up) as it has similar symptoms. She submitted samples for test which came back negative on Thursday, so he said it is most likely "Viral Fever"- which also has similar symptoms. (We suspect that viral fever might be a name for something when they don't know what it is.) He thought it would clear up in a few more days. However, Janet felt worse Friday so we went to one of the new private hospitals that she has visited before - for an intestinal bug- and they were quite quick and efficient and she was seen and some blood tests were ordered quickly. They said the results would be back in about 4 hours, so we called to get them. They told us they could be sent by email. This is where the hospital lost a little of its luster. After about 4 calls the test results appeared in email, but were incomplete. Two more calls resulted in the same results being sent again. After two calls to the Doctor the results of the Dengue test were in. Dengue fever can be dangerous, so Janet will have more blood tests Sunday morning to monitor the situation. There is no real treatment which will cure the illness.
Meanwhile Jim has some respiratory infection, but it seems minor so far.
Another minor catastrophe struck at the office on Wednesday. Just as Jim was about to enter the building in the morning, several people were coming out and saying there was a fire, yet the security guards were still letting people enter! Also NO alarms were going off! As it turned out, it was a small fire in an electrical closet and because it was early in the work day few people were in the office yet, so everyone got out safely. There were a couple ambulances around, so some firemen might have inhaled too much smoke. The fire was on the floor where Jim works, which is a low floor of the building. It quickly became clear that no one would be returning to the building soon, so Jim called our driver and went home and worked from there. On Thursday everything was normal- no smell of smoke or sign of the fire. On Friday they were testing the alarms. Hopefully they work when they need to. We suspect that because this was an electrical fire, someone, shut off the main power- it may have been automatic, but the alarms should be part of a backup system too and still have power.
Another small catastrophe may be that we will get some new noisy neighbors in the building. Our friend Linn left about 3 weeks ago, and another neighbor left about a month before that. In addition, another neighbor moved out in early June while someone else moved in about a month ago. For a building with only 7 apartments, that is a lot of action- especially when you consider that 2 apartments are empty and have never been occupied! The owner of our Apt. live on the ground floor and they own the three apartments directly above as well. The other side of the building has 3 apartments, but the owners of the ground and top floors have not lived there yet. In fact, both are renovating their brand new apartments before they have ever been completed. The 3rd apartment was rented for about 6 months, but the noise of the renovations above and below, drove them to leave, so that is why ne people moved in about a month ago. Of course, we are supposed to leave as well, in about 3 months. However, we hear voices and noises in the apartments - like people looking or moving in. We how they are good.

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