Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Cricket is like baseball. It is like baseball in that one has to spend many years learning the rules before one can understand what is happening on the playing field.
On our flight to Bangalore from Ahmedabad a week ago we boarded the plane and then a large number of men in uniforms got on the plane and took their seats. The uniforms were really only blue shirts which said "Rajasthan Royals". We concluded that they must be a cricket team by the way that half the men on the plane got out their mobile phone cameras and started taking pictures. A few days later the team played the Bangalore team and lost the match.
Tonight, on his way home, Jim had the misfortune of leaving the office late and then getting caught up in heavy traffic near the cricket stadium here in Bangalore. The stadium is not to far from where we live and the traffic was not horrendously bad like it might be near baseball stadiums in some US cities, but it did make rush hour traffic worse. We do have a nice view of the fireworks they set off after some games. We do not know if they only set them off when the home team wins, or on special occasions or after every game.
Cricket is extremely popular in India- like baseball is in the US. I don't know why.

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