Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year Years 2009-2010

It has just past mid- night on the east coast of the US, so it is 2010 there as well as here in Bangalore! It is difficult to imagine that an entire year - and more has passed with us all in Bangalore! For New Years Eve we went out for a very good dinner at a hotel restaurant which serves Italian style food that has always been very good. We were joined by 3 friend from Egypt and one Indian friend. It was a good meal and a pleasant evening. After dinner Jim went home to sleep while Janet and our friend Anita went to the Bangalore Club to see what was going on. They have lights up all over the place through Christmas and New Year celebrations it is quite magical.
Jan. 1 is a holiday here this year from work. It was not last year at work, because so many other Indian Holidays of higher priority were given instead. We plan to stay in the area around home and relax as much as possible.

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