Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Soft things and Art and Christmas Eve

We have these new soft things to lie on and sharpen or claws now! Verrrrry Nice! Then there is this really pretty thing hanging up where we can't reach it too easily. We really like that too! We are thinking about jumping up and hanging from it, but sometimes our claws don't come out so easily and its a little embarrassing to be hanging around and having to depend on our human companions to help! Maybe one day we'll do it. They can write some now.

Christmas Eve was a cool evening by Bangalore standards but it was probably in the upper 60's F. We had a very good dinner at an an Italian restaurant at one of the hotels. Italia seems like one of the best places we have eaten here and we have had excellent meals there. Christmas Day is a holiday here at a number of companies and many people take other days off around this time too. We are trying to do likewise and relax a bit. The strain of the move and settling in period still being a noticeable factor, though it is getting better.
Ziggy and Zoe say that they want to write some more now about when a guy named "tailor" came to the house.
That is right! A few days ago this guy called "tailor" came to our house and he brought some cloth and a machine and a long string thing to play with! He sat on the floor by a chair the humans brought from our other home and used the string thing to measure around the chair. We really had fun playing with the other end of the string thing! Tailor didn't seem to mind us using his string thing for fun. He measured all around and then started cutting pieces of the cloth with all sorts of pieces flying around that we got to play with. Tailor then used his machine thing to put a lot of the pieces back together again! These humans are very strange. First they take things apart with one kind of too, then they put them back together with another kind of tool! In the end, they have something different from what they started with. Why they do this sort of thing rather than play with the string thing and or the cloth pieces is a real mystery to us. They just don't seem to understand. Anyway, the chair looks different now and we have to agree that it is very comfortable. They seem to want to write something more now.
Yes, that was a brief story about how a stitcher or tailor came to the apartment to make a new slipcover for a chair we brought from home. It had a fabric that didn't really look so good here. While looking for drapes we found that the place also did furniture coverings. We assumed the guy would take measurements and come back in a couple weeks with a slipcover, but instead he came and did all the work right in the living room. The fabric was ordered previously. It took about 3 weeks from the time the fabric was ordered to the time he did the cover, so, the total time involved was not all that fast, but it did get done.

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