Friday, October 10, 2008

Movers arrive

Today we had some strange people come and start moving things all around our house. We don't like this! Then they started to take our things away! We hate this! Our human companions tried to make us feel more relaxed by putting us outside, but we know what is going on! We'll let them write some now.
As the Z's say, we have movers here today packing up some things we feel are most critical to take to Bangalore. We didn't like the beds we saw during the survey trip, so we decided to ship beds. Those are the only large items other than a comfortable chair. The apartment will be rather bare for awhile! The remaining items are a few kitchen items, a few towels, sheets and bed and bath items. The supporting items for the Z's will go too- some of those are a bit heavy. A few home office items will go too. We don't doubt that we've missed some things.
We are surprised to learn that things like pet food and our own vitamins should not be shipped with houshold stuff. We will carry what we can, but we are looking into having packages periodically sent to us with cat food and vitamins.
Our Visas and work permit arrived very quickly. It took only 7 days from our mailing to our receiving the completed passports with visas. We were told to expect it to take more than 2 weeks because of Indian Holidays, but they were fast.
With the movers taking things away, the move to India takes on a higher level of reality! We are aiming to leave at the end of October. If all goes well, this shipment of furniture will arrive about the time we do. Next hurdle is to arrange the shipping of the Z's. Back to Zoe and Ziggy now.
Boy! Did you see those big kitties in India! They look almost as big as us! And, we're HUGE at more than 10 pounds apiece! We're pretty sure we could whip those guys in a fight, but we're not really fighters. We much prefer to sleep like they do and not bother anything... except maybe birds and mice and bugs and squirrels. Time to sleep now!


Joe said...

Nothing like seeing your possessions go into moving boxes and then out the door to bring home the reality of moving. Those things will be a very welcome connection to "normalcy" when they arrive at your home in India. Looking forward to seeing you here soon. Joe & Donna

Joe said...

Ziggy and Zoe,
I hate to tell you, but some of the most interesting things are strictly off limits in India. Like those teeny lizards that sound like chipmunks. And those large size mice. (Rats) Either one could be the end of your hunting days. On the other hand, the chipmunks that live in trees and sound like squeaky tricycle wheels are fair game. If only I could climb trees!! Luna Watts

Kedi said...

wow! the move is coming so soon!

Ziggy and Zoe said...

Our human companions say that they heard some squeaky tricycles moving around the trees when they were there, but they sound too large to be real tricycles since they could not be seen, so your explanation of what they were makes sense!
Zoe and Ziggy