Sunday, May 22, 2016

A Short visit to Baltimore

We recently made a short visit to Baltimore and stayed overnight near the harbor. We were very impressed with the harbor area.  A lot of money has been invested in that area to make it a very pleasant place to visit. There were a number of fine places to stay and to eat and the walks were great. It was great to see it a lively area!   On our return we stopped in the Short Hills Mall in New Jersey to have dinner.  Many years ago, Janet went to this mall quite a bit.  It was "upscale" back then, but is even more so today- it was rather shocking really.  While many malls have cars like Toyotas, Hondas and Jeeps parked inside this one had a Tesla dealership, a Porsche inside and a Rolls Royce!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A trip From Florida to New York

January through March went by much faster than expected. Janet decided to spend those months in Florida as the cold days and shorter daylight hours up north are more taxing than in the past- hence the trip to FL in Dec.  The winter in New York was generally pretty mild compared to the previous few years- we had only about 12" snow for the season compared to 60" last season.   Jim went to Fl near the end of March and we drove back over the next 4 days with stops in Macon, GA, Little Washington, VA and Philadelphia, PA.   The drive out of FL was not a bad as expected. Our guess is that some people left earlier and some a little later than we did.  Like so many American cities, Macon looked like it had seen much better times.  It had a somewhat pleasant looking downtown area, but there was not a lot of activity- like most of that had moved elsewhere.  We did note 6 trucks passing through town carrying logs- presumably, from a forest nearby to a sawmill. 6 seemed like a lot in the relatively short amount of time we walked around.
The drive the next day was long- about 12 hours counting stops along the way- about 10 hours actually driving. However, we arrived at a very cute little town- Little Washington, VA and stayed at a very nice Inn- The Inn at Little Washington.   We stayed 2 nights and spent the next day relaxing and having a very pleasant walk around the little old town. The Meals were Outstanding... and expensive, but it was a great treat after such a long drive.
Our next stop was to visit old friends near Philadelphia.  They had just finished renovations on a home there and it was great to see them and the house.  We had a nice walk in Gardens nearby.
We headed toward home the next day and were somewhat surprised to find ourselves in the middle of a snowstorm as we approached home!  I turned out to be the biggest snowfall of the season at our house- ending up at about 4" (out of the 12" for the season!)    Janet was not happy to have avoided snow all winter just to come home to a pile of it in early April!
The snow did not stay around long though.
As the hours of sunlight have continued to increase and the temperatures continue to rise, it is more like spring every day.  April did seem cooler than usual.
We have managed to get out on our bicycles every two or three days and do some walking too, but we have had a few too many rainy days- though its looking better now!
In 1999- 2000 we put an addition on our house that we call "The Sun Room"- it is a light and airy room where Ziggy, Zoe, Jim and Janet spend a lot of time, but 15 years of settling caused the sheetrock nails to pop out along some joints, so we decided it was time to get those fixed and have the room re-painted. That is being done now, but all 4 of us find it a bit disorienting not to be able to use that room or its access to our basement.  It should be done soon though. We ar surprised to think that the original paint has lasted 15 years without serious discoloration.
Spring is really here- the dandelions grow 4" in 24 hours.