Thursday, February 10, 2011

Jury Duty

Janet remains in India- enjoying the warm weather and lack of too much snow and longer days. She went to Jaipur and Udaipur recently. Meanwhile it has continued to snow in New York. At our house we are close to about 6 feet of snow for the season. We did get a little melting last Sunday after some additional snow on Saturday.
One of the concerns with a lot of snow and cold weather is that snow on the roof melts and runs down the roof to the gutter where it freezes again due to lack of heat from the roof. The ice can build up and work its way under the shingles where it can then get into the house and damage walls and ceilings. We have a lot of ice in our gutters and Jim spent several hours standing on a ladder to chip some of it away, though much was back just a week later, so it is still a concern.
This week Jim got a summons for jury duty. Here that means calling a phone number to get a message on whether or not you need to report each day. The first 3 days they only had about half the people report, so it seems likely he would not have to report, but on Wed. the message said to report on Thurs. So, Jim reported and waited around a lot and filled out forms. Finally they started questioning potential jurors. In the first few minutes they said that if you knew the people involved then you could not serve. However, they could not excuse such people until they questioned them. Of course, Jim knew the defendants, but the attorneys did not get around to questioning Jim until 5 hours later. A number of people were in the same position, but had to sit a listen and wait for hours only to be dismissed! What a waste of time!
Even though we left India more than 3 months ago, it almost seems like a dream that we were away and were there. The time went so fast!